Mattie Stepanek once said that “Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.“– this is very true and very encouraging to see how building relationships and partnerships between civil society organisations and the private sector can improve the quality of life and food security in the communities. DAG is moved to be part of a life-altering electronic food voucher initiative which has provided about 1900 food relief vouchers to disadvantaged households in Ceres, Nduli, BellaVista, Prince Alfred Hamlet and 1500 vouchers in Tulbagh informal settlements.
DAG in partnership with Flash service provider and Douglas George Murray Trust (DGMT) successfully implemented the pilot project of the CoCare voucher system which was developed and funded by the Flash Group, in the disadvantaged communities of Ceres in the Western Cape. Through the voucher programme, DAG assisted in the provision of essential food aid in the form of vouchers ranging between R100 and R200 per household via the participating Flash retailers and spaza shops in the various informal settlement communities that we work in.
The COVID-19 pandemic has unravelled the vulnerabilities faced by poor people living in informal settlements and backyards. Therefore, DAG as an organisation that values the safety and well-being of vulnerable communities is proud to be the first NGO to successfully pilot such an amazing programme that gives the vulnerable recipients the dignity and power to choose the essential items that work for each household.